Saturday, March 28, 2009

the uplifting!

crazy lonely nights as she curls into herself and tries to hibernate off to the world... voices in her head circling as alcohol and orange juice 'seem' to pacify... a dying inspiration... a waking torture...

..suddenly a peaceful weekend.. no voices.. no sounds... just pink floyd and her soul... just every li'l thing she knows she has to set right being set right and a calm descending! 

slowly she sits to count her lucky stars... and he calls her up just to check on her... it leaves her smiling as she settles down with yet some more orange juice! ;)

~ it's been sometime since she's been with herself... everytime she does it she ends up with that stupid grin on her face.. everytime she promises to do it more often.. everytime she gets lost in the sands for longer than planned...! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


since i've been at a loss for words and this is what it is it is it is.....

Friday, March 13, 2009

strings.. attached?

and then sometimes you crave a silence... a meditative one...
and then you end up in a depressive quiescence and need the noise...
but the voices get to you.. you can't bear to hear the pure mechanical sound of the human voice box..
and then sometimes... it's just simpler with some red wine and a guitar!


and she closed her eyes... clutched her cellphone... and let the rain hit her face and reach to her soul while her hair twirled and ran free!