Thursday, December 20, 2007


cup of coffee in her hands, wind rustling in the trees...

her walk in the rain continued at night as well.. only to be interrupted by the loud jangle of her cellphone! (it was still Coldplay and she still loves it.. but it was a work call!)

and now there she sits... at this crazy hour... cup of coffee still in her hands... 2 phones on alternate calls... 'resolving issues!'

sleep is a distant wish and a forgotten memory all at the same time!


Passionate said...

and here she is RESPONSIBLE ANI
responsible employee working hard..


wind will still rustle in trees..
cup of coffee will stay in your hands..
and you'll keep feeling good :)

Sangfroid said...

and it continued to rain today as well :-)

Anirudh 'Lallan' Choudhry said...

have you ever heard the sound of rain upon a river rushing through your ears?
arriving somewhere...but not here..~~!

Sam said...

Work, work work..thats all how a day boils down to.. :(

ani said...

passionate: yeah yeah yeah!! :)

sangfroid: n it's been like summer since the past few days!!!

anirudh: beautifully put!

sam: :( my sentiments exactly!