Sunday, December 23, 2007

lower case...

she's probably moved a total of 110 cms in 2 days now... a smoke an hour and some other stuff to keep her company... a coffee pot bubbling through the night... mindless movies buzzing on her screen and a sketchy painting on her easel...

refusing to ponder... only willing to float... absorbing... en-circling... yet rested... there is peace... in the faraway glaze of her very quiet eyes... ultimately... it's all ok. if it's not ok... it's not the end.


Anirudh 'Lallan' Choudhry said...

oh i just love the last sentence..
it has got so much of hope and positive things embedded in it na..!

Sam said...

Yes, its not the end..not yet!! :)

arpana said...

its a rip off from oso :P
(kidding beta kidding)

Sangfroid said...

in the end, it doesn't even matter!

Passionate said...

Lazybum Nirvana :)
Sexy hai ji
110 cm thats amazing figure

ani said...

rudh: :)

sam: :)

arpz: grrr..! :P

sangroid: its doesnt matter coz its all ok!

passionate: :P sheer n complete moksha!